The Wolf of Wall Street (2013 film)

The Wolf of Wall Street is a 2013 American biographical black comedy crime film, directed by Martin Scorsese. The screenplay by Terence Winter is adapted from the memoir of the same name by Jordan Belfort and recounts from Belforts perspective his career as a stockbroker in New York City and how his firm Stratton Oakmont engaged in rampant corruption and fraud on Wall Street that ultimately led to his downfall. Leonardo DiCaprio who also coproduced the film stars as Belfort, with Jonah Hill as his business partner and friend Donnie Azoff, Margot Robbie as his second wife Naomi Lapaglia, and Kyle Chandler as Patrick Denham, the FBI agent who tries to bring him down. Matthew McConaughey, Rob Reiner, Jon Favreau, and Jean Dujardin are also featured. The film marks the directors fifth collaboration with DiCaprio, after Gangs of New York 2002, The Aviator 2004, The Departed 2006, and Shutter Island 2010, as well as his second collaboration with Winter after the television series Boardwalk Empire 201014.

In 1987, Jordan Belfort Leonardo DiCaprio procures a job as a Wall Street stockbroker for L.F. Rothschild, employed under Mark Hanna Matthew McConaughey, who quickly entices him to the addictive tendencies of stockbroker culture, as well as fostering a mentality around absolute selfprofit. Jordan soon finds his career terminated following Black Monday. He takes a job at a boiler room brokerage firm on Long Island that specializes in penny stocks. Thanks to his aggressive pitching style and the high commissions, Jordan makes a small fortune.Jordan befriends his apartment neighbor Donnie Azoff Jonah Hill, and the two found their own company. They recruit Jordans accountant parents as well as several of Jordans friends, whom Jordan trains in the art of the hard sell. The basic method of the firm is a pump and dump scam. To cloak this, Jordan gives the firm the respectable name of Stratton Oakmont. After an expos in Forbes, hundreds of ambitious young financiers flock to his company. ........

Source: Wikipedia